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Research Blog


My reasearch looks into the use of spirituals for political ends. It examines how they were used to organise, identify and create political action both in their historic context and through their performance. The Gospel Project is used to analyse the latter, through the internal structure, vocalisation and performance of the spirituals one can see how these songs are, at their core in every way political. The historical analysis takes us through a narrative of the famous song 'We Shall Overcome' and it's use in the movement. One recording that is particularly informative and close to my heart is this performance by Mahalia Jackson. 




One voice

What does it mean to sing as one voice?

Gospel Music Tradion

Singing used as a means for political emancipation



This choir is part of a greater exploration into the history of Gospel music, a political exploration into commmunal singing and singing as a political endeavour.

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