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About Us


The Gospel Project is about exploring the power of music as a force for change. We are interested in music as communication, for the presentation of philosophical, political or religious ideas, for learning together and developing our performance skills with creativity and discipline.  


The Gospel Project is an intensive six-week technical singing course that takes command over the physical, academic, creative, spiritual and social self. A choir will be formed that will build a small repertoire of Gospel music that will be performed at the end of the course. The aim is that every participant in the course will be inspired to take an active approach to the individual use of the voice, singing as a choral unit, engaging in all the elements of the course, and contributing their knowledge and enthusiasm throughout. 


The project is open to the whole community of LUC the Hague. If someone from outside the faculty wishes to join, they may apply via the website. Choir is an extra-curricular activity with academic and practical outcomes but no credits for participants (however, participation is free of charge). The Gospel project is not a religious course, there is a meditative, spiritual focus, but it is very much open to people of all or no orthodox faiths. The director of the Gospel Project is Anna-Liisa Springham with support from other LUC members. 


Project Director - If we haven't met already, I am Anna-Liisa Springham. I am very proud to be running the LUC choir of 2013, following on from, and alongside Cissie Fu.

This year I will be directing the Gospel Project. I am a trained musician with thirteen years of singing experience, both in choirs, as a soloist and I have run three choirs previously, including a short term one at LUC. I look forward to sharing my knowledge, going on this creative adventure and learning even more about this amazing tradition of music.

I will also be collaborating with you, Cissie, other singers and creative minds to make this project a success!

Are you a singer?


If you go to LUC and love to sing then the Gospel Project may be a way for you to quench your passion for singing whilst receiving free training. Choir is an activity that allows you to find your voice, develop skills that will stand you in good stead throughout your university career and later life. It's a great place to meet new people and push yourself to develop your creative and physical self. 

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